Friday, 3 February 2012

Meet 3 Little Kickers


AGES- 3 ½ YRS, 3 ½ YRS & NEARLY 3
How long have you been coming to Little Kickers?  1 year, 9 months & 9 months
What is the best thing about Little Kickers?  - (A) Running around and kicking balls with my friends, (E) Running around and playing games & (M) The BALL MONSTER!!
What do you want to be when you grow up?
Abigail- A princess
Ella, A mummy and have two little girls (she still at the phase where she wants to grow up and get married and have babies. She forgets that mummy has a job lol).
Marissa - A dinosoar , a T-Rex!
What’s your favourite healthy food? – (A) Apples and oranges, (E) Watermelon and apples (M), Strawberries

Who is your favourite coach?  - Coach Brad, Coach Brad & Coach Brad!!!!
What does Mum & Dad think of our Little Kickers program?
Abigail’s Mum & Dad had this to say
Little Kickers is a great way for Abigail to improve her gross motor skills and ability to follow instructions while having fun at the same time.  Her self-esteem and confidence has also increased and Abigail has become an enthusiastic and active participant who enjoys interacting with the other Little Kickers of her age. 

Ella’s Mum & Dad had this to say
It's a great way for Ella to burn off some energy in a controlled environment. I think it's important for Ella to understand discipline in a group situation, while still having fun with her friends. She's also improving her gross motor skills and co-ordination. I like having a set time every week that we go to Little Kickers, as it teaches Ella routine and commitment to an activity.

Marissa’s Mum & Dad had this to say
We have been so impressed with the program. It is age appropriate and not only helps their coordination, ball skills and general physical development but also helps to develop other skills such as taking turns, following instructions and learning colours. The kids all have a lot of fun and the program even  incorporates  imaginative play which is appealing when the kids are so young.  It has been a great introduction to sport for Marissa.

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