We recognise that every child is an individual, and feel that children develop their skills best when they are playing with other kids of a similar age and ability. As such, Little Kickers separate kids into four distinct age groups, which encourage each child to maximise their involvement and development potential. In summary, the real joy of our 4 pronged approach (Little Kicks, Junior, Mighty and Mega Kickers) is that we can offer a gently staggered learning environment for all our students, an enjoyable yet challenging programme that is safe and always stays strictly within the student’s comfort zone.
Little Kicks®
**selected areas**
1½ to 2 years 3 + months
Setting off at a light trot, the most pressing priority here is something we refer to as ‘learning to learn.’
Simple problem-solving activities provide the perfect informal framework for encouraging our fledgling socceroos to advance their basic attention building and listening skills.
By playing fun games that include specific actions and movements children gain greater bodily control whilst simultaneously enhancing their blossoming balance, co-ordination and gross motor skills. Aside from learning how to strike stationary and moving soccer balls during directional play, children and parents also get the early opportunity to share those first unforgettable, goal-scoring adventures.
In essence Little Kicks provides a fun, safe learning environment where your child will be encouraged to move from parent-supported participation, to active, independent interaction.
Junior Kickers
2 years - 3½ years
From light trot to gentle canter our budding ball maestros are now at a point where they will be encouraged to participate in structured games and imaginative free-play, adding yet another dimension to their already flourishing footwork.
In other words, basic ball mastery is harnessed via multi-directional dribbling and striking. In addition child interaction and cooperation is actively encouraged as our coaches seek to stimulate greater social skills, sharing and overall team play - giving our pre-school pupils the in-built confidence to step away from their parents/carers and stand proud on their own two trainers.
It’s about now that our classes really start to have an impact on improving a child’s physical dexterity, particularly in the lower limbs and feet through a variety of ball-balancing games. The arrival of these newfound skills paves the way for our pupils to learn how best to move through the gears and how to change direction comfortably with the ball at their feet.
Mighty Kickers
3½ years to 5th birthday
With more basic options now at their disposal our next task is to couple your child’s blossoming physical and social confidence with a greater grasp of how to read the beautiful game. Shielding, first touch play and defensive positioning are all classic examples of simple skills that over time will become second nature. Add to this memory improvement, problem solving and team awareness and your child will be quickly demonstrating all the hallmarks of a well-rounded individual with a wider appreciation of team play.
Irrespective of what part sport plays in your child’s future, we honestly believe the capacity to participate in controlled play, to think outside the penalty box to concentrate on instructions and visually assess a game will hold them in good stead for the future.
Mega Kickers
**selected areas** 5 years to 7th birthday
There’s no need to leave at 5! Megas Kickers was developed in response to popular demand – many children who attend Little Kickers classes want to continue to build their skills – both physical and social - once they have turned 5. The Mega Kickers philosophy is divided into 3 core areas to enable them to do just this:
- Play: the greatest tool for development and learning is self-initiated play, which leads to excited and vigorous participation. This in turn leads to rapid improvement.
- Practice: activities with limited touches and turns generally will have limited benefit. Activities with lots of turns and touches will facilitate greater growth at an individual rate within a group environment. Simply put, the more you do it, the better you get!
- Understanding: within Mega Kickers classes our coaches focus not only on teaching children how to perform a skill, but also to start building an understanding of why the skill is needed.
Mega Kickers combines a series of activities that use imaginative play, familiar games, visual skill and creative participation to engage the interest of the child and makes them gain maximum enjoyment from participating.
Use the contact form today to find out how your child can get started in one of our great classes!

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